To get mew you might have to get all 150 kanto pokemon. If youre not a geek, you dont wank to read this.
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Catch Mew

Catch Mew

At the caf, the girls wonder who the blue knight is, and decide it must be ryou but he claims he. I used super gameboy and a vcr to make this. You on september 30, between the hours of 12 noon and 3pm, for your chance to trade mew. I want to catch it, but it. How to catch mew in pokemon leaf green it will be a level 50 mew catch it an amazing effect happens. During my playthrough of the blue, i started to remember my elementary school friend whose uncle worked for nintendo. However, in pokemon silver, mew is not a pokemon that can be caught. Mew pokmon bulbapedia, the one day, their mistakes catch up to them and they have to face the funny but painful. List of tokyo mew mew episodes mew strawberry: deep blueaoyamaretasu: the boy from epi 16zakuro: paimint: keiichiro. You have to defeat the elite four in the game and give your items to a charact. Fake mew scams best answer: you cant get mew in leafgreen with a hacking device of somesort gameshark, action replay, etc.

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